What we do

You’re an expert in your field, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have a talent for explaining it to others. Getting your message across to your customers, that is our talent.

CCM strategy

Fact: many organisations don’t know what messages they’re sending to their customers.

It seems obvious that you need to know what you’re communicating, to whom, when, how, and most importantly, why. Surprisingly, many organisations using sophisticated CCM systems have little real idea of the messages they’re sending to their customers.

We’ve worked with dozens of companies and government departments to review and analyse their communications across the whole enterprise, then simplify and unify them.

We can help you untangle the spaghetti junction of customer communication.

Technical writing

Fact: no-one reads the instructions.

That is, until something goes wrong and they don’t know what to do. When do you read your insurance policy? When you need to make a claim. When do you read the procedure guide for your job?. When you don't know how to do something.

‘Technical’ writing covers many types of documents that either tell people how to do something (a procedure), or define a set of features or rules (a policy, or set of terms and conditions). In either case, the reader wants complex concepts and processes expressed in simple terms that are easy to understand and follow.

This is what we do. So when one of your customers wants to know how your product works, or one of your staff needs to know what to do, they can find the answer quickly and easily.


Fact: most products are sold with words.

Every website, video, speech or advertisement is words. The medium is just the vehicle: it’s what you say that counts.

We’ve written every type of marketing and promotional document over the years, for products ranging from life insurance policies to air freshening machines, and for use in print, online and over the phone.

Whatever you’re selling, we can convince people to buy it, because a picture might paint a thousand words, but words can paint a thousand pictures.

Editing and proof-reading

Fact: 90% of good writing is editing.

The greatest authors throughout history have spent more time editing and proofreading their work than they spent writing the original draft. This is the really hard part of writing, the 90% perspiration that makes the 10% inspiration work.

We can ensure that your writing is properly structured, grammatically correct and a pleasure to read; we can also make sure that your final proof has no errors of any kind.


Fact: everyone can be a better writer.

Writing for business is all about knowing your customer and your product, but even the best-informed sales experts struggle to write a convincing brochure. A relatively simple set of rules governs the English language, yet many of us get through school and even university without truly absorbing them. We show you how to write naturally, in the way that most of us speak, and how to structure your thoughts to take the reader on a journey, whether that journey lasts for one sentence or one hundred pages.

Everyone can be a better writer. We can show you how.

AI prompting

Fact: using AI requires skill.

If you're not a confident writer there's no question that using a Large Language Model can save you a lot of time creating and editing your documents. The downside is that you have to spend a lot of the time you've saved checking what it produces and editing it so it sounds like you wrote it. The key is knowing how to prompt the AI so it produces something that's 80% right the first time. We know how to make LLMs produce meaningful results quickly (without hallucinations).

Using AI in a practical way to make yourself more productive is a key skill. We can show you how.